понедельник, 12 декабря 2016 г.

Raciest Vodka Advertisement from the Ukraine

Ukraine's known worldwide for the beauty of its women, and this advertisement for RidnaRose or 'Native Dew' vodka taps the country's sexuality to market its vodka. It shows an almost naked woman gamboling through a park with a basket of fresh vegetables which she offers to men barbecuing a steak, while drinking shots of vodka. The ad could be more original but it captures the racy spirit of drinking vodka in summer.

We'll be reviewing this 'Native Dew' vodka in a later post.

Racy Advertisement for Ridna Rosa vodka

среда, 7 декабря 2016 г.

Vodka Not Cool in Russia any Longer?

A recent article in Newsweek claims that Russians are going 'off their national drink' and that vodka is 'out of fashion' with young Russians. My experiences having lived in Ukraine and Russia also underscore the article's claims: Vodka is associated with an older generation by the young; it's the drink of their parents, not their heroes. Instead, many are turning to cider, or more 'cool' hard liquor alternatives like whiskey, tequila and Jamaican rum.

However, us die-hard vodka lovers don't sway to fashions that come and go. The next generation of Russians will embrace vodka to rebel against their parents' effete taste for ciders and Scotch whiskeys.

Check out the Article here: 


понедельник, 5 декабря 2016 г.

Ukraine's Edgy Khortytsa Vodka

This is Ukraine's most popular vodka, named after a former Cossack stronghold on an island in the Dnieper River that was razed to the ground by the Czars in the 19th century. The pure vodka is manufactured in the industrial city of Zaporozhiye, and is sold worldwide. It has a very clean, smooth taste with a slight citrus flavor. It also has a slight bitter taste which goes well with sausages and Ukrainian salo.

I also love the stylish rectangular design of the bottle, with its grooves on the side that help create a firm grip when the bottle's damp.

I'll be reviewing Nemiroff and other Ukrainian vodkas in future posts, but Khortytsa -- and especially its Platinum brand --is one of our favorites.

That's me with a modern-day Cossack in Khortytsa Island

And this is a video of a Cossack martial revival show on the Island

пятница, 2 декабря 2016 г.

All About Vodka

This is a new blog about vodkas around the world, and vodka culture in general. As a former editor-in-chief of Russian Playboy, who has lived in both Russia and Ukraine for almost two decades, and spent some of that period knocking back shots of local spirit, I have a unique perspective on the vodka experience.

Stay tuned for more posts about my favorite vodkas, and unusual vodka experiences.